Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Here are some new poems I have written.

"Bleeding rose petals on a Valentines night sidewalk"    
                                                                                                                By: R.K.Martin
Bleeding rose petals on a Valentines night sidewalk,
falling one by one,
lined before my screaming eyes.
Every red petal a piece of a breaking heart,
slowly beating,
slowly bleeding,
footnotes of a dying soul quickly fleeting.
Pools of blood reflect dreams swiftly broken,
those petals strewn,
like a trail of mocking tokens.
Of love lost,
and caring words unspoken.

I wrote this after seeing a line of rose petals strewn across the sidewalk of my school on valentines night, hence the name. I didn't feel particularly emotional when I decided to write it but the visual struck me quite strongly. I guess in a way it captures my fear, that I'd never tell some one I loved that I did so. I would be afraid that things would end badly, when it could have been avoided if ones feelings had been truly shown. So I always try to tell some one how I feel.

By: R.K.Martin                                 

As I descended my stairs,
I quickly realized,
my feet were quite bare.
This surely was not fair,
for I was not aware,
that when I checked down stairs,
my shoes wouldn’t be there.
I did not dare,
to make my mother aware,
of my missing foot-ware,
for it would surely elicit,
her dreaded death glare.
I thought this was too much,
too much to bare,
Not to know where,
That foot-ware had gone.
They seemed to have vanished,
 in to thin air,
in a scent foul not fair.
I searched here and there,
for that illusive pair.
I looked through the cupboards,
the stove, and the washer,
the sinks, and the toilets,
and even the dogs hair.
I eventual found them,
with little time to spare,
I was finally ready,
to go to day care.
You can laugh now,
but we will see how you fair,
when your mother gives you,
her dreaded death glare,
do to missing foot-ware.

I would like to say I dedicate this poem to my mom, who put up with my incredibly annoying habit of some how losing my shoes. I've gotten a few people who have compared it to the works of Silverstein and Dr.Sues which flatters me to be compared to them in any light. I particularly enjoyed writing this poem, though I did lose some sleep doing so, as I kept having ideas that wouldn't let my go to sleep till I wrote them.

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